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Shorin Ryu Karate
Karate, as we know it today, originated on the Ryukyu Archipelago, more commonly known as the island of Okinawa, Japan. The major sites were the villages of Naha, Shuri, and Tomari. Shobayashi Shorin-Ryu originated in Shuri, Okinawa as Shuri-Te and is one of the major branches of modern Shorin-Ryu.
Requirements for our Shorin Ryu curriculum include:
Taikyoku 1 - 3 *
Pinan 1 - 5
Sei En Chon
Neko Budo 1 - 5
Nan Dan Sho
Empi Sho
Bassai Dai
Bassai Sho
Kanku Dai
Kanku Sho
Go Pei Sho
*(Note: Taikyoku series, though originally Shotokan, are taught in many Shorin Ryu and Tae Kwon Do schools).
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