We are a Pagoda Ryu School and practitioners of the Pagoda Ryu Martial Arts System. Pagoda Ryu was founded and developed by Grandmaster Dr. Shorty Mills, PhD, ScD. Certified and tested, as a martial arts system by the World Martial Arts Federation and World Soke/Sokeship Council, the Pagoda Ryu system consists of Shorin Ryu Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, Aikido, and Grappling.
At the Beverly Pagoda Martial Arts Academy, we regularly compete and are competitive in Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and various Grappling tournaments; focusing primarily on sparring, ground-fighting, self-defense, weapons, and forms.
We offer instruction for adults and children (age 6 and over). We also provide an open Martial Arts environment, in which, quality, honorable instructors and students are welcome to gain and share knowledge.